01 Aug The Salvation Army: Fight For Freedom against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
The movie “Sound of Freedom” is now playing in theatres around the world! This is a film about a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.
The Salvation Army is deeply committed to fighting modern slavery and human trafficking. Modern slavery is an umbrella term including human trafficking for sex, labor or organs, exploitative labor practices, child labor and early and forced marriage. It involves not just individuals but also social and economic systems.
The Salvation Army believes in the biblical principles of the inherent and equal value of all persons and the duty to care for one’s neighbor. The Salvation Army is opposed to the abuse of power against other human beings that is inherent in modern slavery and human trafficking. Everyone has the responsibility, both individuals and institutions, to work for the liberation of those who have been subjected to slavery and trafficking. Legal and social mechanisms to stop slavery and trafficking must be established and those involved held to account. Transformation and healing of hearts and minds of everyone involved in modern slavery and human trafficking is both necessary and possible.
For more information or if you would like to donate to help support our efforts to end HT, please check out the links provided below!
If you suspect someone is a victim of HT, call the Canadian National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-833-900-1010.

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